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Intensely emotional and highly affecting, BORDERLINES explores the difficulties of coming of age in the overwhelming world of Asperger’s Syndrome. After years of struggling to contain and hide her Asperger’s Syndrome Olivia Webb (Aimee Langan) finds herself at breaking point, struggling to socialise and retain friends in school she throws herself into art, painting in secret, searching for an escape. When new neighbour, Will Davies (Frankie Smith-Morris), accidentally uncovers her artistic passion, he becomes enthralled by her talent pushing her to share it with the world. A deeply moving story BORDERLINES explores the highs and lows of adolescence framed in the life of Asperger’s. 

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Intensely emotional and highly affecting, BORDERLINES explores the difficulties of coming of age in the overwhelming world of Asperger’s Syndrome. After years of struggling to contain and hide her Asperger’s Syndrome Olivia Webb (Aimee Langan) finds herself at breaking point, struggling to socialise and retain friends in school she throws herself into art, painting in secret, searching for an escape. When new neighbour, Will Davies (Frankie Smith-Morris), accidentally uncovers her artistic passion, he becomes enthralled by her talent pushing her to share it with the world. A deeply moving story BORDERLINES explores the highs and lows of adolescence framed in the life of Asperger’s. 

Anchor 3



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Our work



​Asperger Syndrome is a developmental disorder characterised by significant difficulties in social interaction and non-verbal communication, along with restrictive and repetitive patterns of behaviour. People with Asperger’s Syndrome can have difficulty in social relationships and in communicating, often making them particularly susceptible to isolation. As Asperger’s is related to brain development there is no cure for the condition. However, counselling and therapy can be used in order to diminish the effects of the condition on people’s lives. The charity ‘Action for Asperger’s’ aids sufferers in getting counselling both for themselves, in dealing with their symptoms, and families, helping minimise the effects of Asperger’s on important relationships.



Aimee Langan
Frankie Smith-Morris
Alex Horton
Owen Vidler
Anchor 1
Anchor 2


Aimee Langan
Alex Horton
Owen Vidler
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